Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I purchased this for my son who love to grow his beard and he grooms it like women who do their makeup professionally. Since, he lives out of town I tested the product on my hand and I was amazed at the how soft my hand was after a few minutes. I placed one drop on the back side of my wrist and gently rub the area per the directions. The solution took approximately 10-15 minutes to completely dissolve into my wrist, while it soaked in I had a nice glow with no aroma. After it completely soaked in, my wrist was softer, the skin had more elastic ability and the hair was soft. I can see why this product is popular. My son is going to love this product. I can’t wait to give it him. I have read this is great to soften the hairs for shaving too. Disclaimer: I have been offered this time at a highly discounted rate for an unbiased review of the product.

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