Monday, August 22, 2016

I have been using this product for approximately a week now on my legs, stomach, and back of the arms. You must follow the directions and use it when your skin is wet as it helps to allow the product to absorb the product. When you are pressing on the handle to dispense the product, be ready as it will shoot out fast. I have missed once or twice and my cat got squirted. Luckily, this product is all natural so I didn’t really worry, although I wash him off really quickly. Since I have begun using this product I have felt my skin tightening up and I am not looking for an overnight miracle cream, I know it will take some time to complete the process of getting rid of all the cellulite in the areas in which I desire but this product seems to be the help I have been looking for. Disclaimer: I have been offered this time at a highly discounted rate for an unbiased review of the product.…/B…/ref=sr_tnr_p_1_702382011_1_s_it…

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