Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Compression socks

My husband is on his feet for 12 hours a day so by the end of the his legs are killing him. This compression have made a difference in how his legs feel as the pain is not as severe. Although, getting the socks on does take a lot of energy as they are very tight and a the end of the day I have to take them off of him. I did not put them through the dryer to help avoid them from shrinking as I was afraid if they were to shrink he would never be able to wear them again. These socks are knee high so they are great to wear with slacks, jeans, and work wear. They easy fit into his shoes with no issues and the red checkerboard area around the foot also gives more compression, which seemed to help with his plantar fasciitis. I would recommend these to a friend. Disclaimer: I received this item at a full promotional discount for my unbiased review in return for free products. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01JZ8EN2I/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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