Friday, July 15, 2016

I was not sure about these when they first arrived but they have grown on me. But, I did have a few problems trying to install them: 1. The instruction sheet says to lay them out in numerical order, but you can't see the numbers on the laces very well. I would suggest putting the numbers in a different color, so they show up easily as I had to get a magnifying lenses to make out the numbers. 2. The laces do not work in shoes with the loops. The holes must be flat. 3. The plastic laces are not easy to get through the holes, so I would suggest a tool to push the lace through and a pair of a twisers to finish pulling it through the holes. Once you have them installed, it does take some time to get adjusted to wearing them as them do not allow for you to pull them tight like you can with shoelaces. But, after an hour or so I was over the feeling that I was going to lose my shoes. It was nice being able to slip in and out of my shoes without worrying about tying the laces with is a huge plus. Now, that they are installed this is one task that will be very helpful on my hands as I have arthritis in them. I would suggest these to others with arthritis instead of the velcro shoes which area not attractive and hard to pull.I have received this item at a full promotional discount for my unbiased review in return for free products.‪#‎NTiShoelacefoKidanAdults‬

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