Thursday, July 14, 2016

As a woman, I have always worn ladies watches in the past, but this watch caught my eye. When it arrived for me to review my first thing which I wanted to give applause to the company for was sending it out with the correct time and date already displayed on the watch for my time zone, so when I pulled it out of the box it was ready to go. We are currently experiencing a heat wave with temperatures above 105 degrees each day, I have not noticed a color changed on my skin with the watch band as I have with others in the past. In wearing the watch during normal activities, it keeps time great. The mechanisms are extremely quiet so I do not hear them moving during the night and I love the huge face on the watch as it helps me to avoid eye strain. The rose gold and brown could easily be for both male or female. I will be recommending this watch to others. Excellent job!!! I have been offered this time at a highly discounted rate an unbiased review of the product. #Aposon

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