Thursday, July 21, 2016


Abigail This is a cute book for children, but as a retired elementary school teacher I have a few minor issues with story. The main character "sneaks" into the grandparents attic to get to the magical bike. This teaches children that it is okay to sneak around to areas where you know you are not supposed to be of course, this would be an additional lesson I would have to teach IF I read this book to a group of children and have a discussion on right and wrong and following the rules. Yes, the character does helps other in the story by helping them find water, which is great. But, what lesson does she REALLY learn? Most stories for children should have a lesson they learn. I could build a geography lesson from this book possibly and build from that point of view. But, as a teacher each book I look at I try to view them as a lesson in the classroom. #promotion I received this at a full promotional discount for my unbiased review in return for free products.

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